Welcome to netbom’s documentation!

NetBOM - Library to read, convert and process electrical netlists and Bill of Materials (BOM) generated both in Alitum Designer and KiCad.

This library provides tooling to import, process and convert BOM and schematic netlists to Python objects, and then convet them to JSON format or Python dictionaries. BOM and netlists are supported by one library because some of netlist formats may also be a source of BOM.

Imported schematic netlist may be used to automate generation of documentation, where you need to generate a table of pins and signals of a given connector. Interface control documents or user manuals are often time-consuming to prepare and are examples of such documents. Correctly drawn electrical schematics can become the only source of truth and can allow to completely automate document generation. The proposed module can be used to generate connector pin maps, and generate aesthetic documents in LaTeX.

Imported BOM file may be used as a part of custom Manufacturing Resource Planner, where you need to process electronic components required during the PCB assembly process.


As usual, you can use package installer for Python:

pip install netbom

Provided modules

This library is composed of following modules (highest level at the bottom):



Code is maintained on GitHub: github.com/partmanager/netbom.